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행복에 관하여 본문

이번생은 처음이라

행복에 관하여

다음추석 2020. 7. 11. 15:24

Céline : Did you ever keep a journal when you were a kid?
셀린 : 어릴 때 일기를 쭉 썼었어?

Jesse : Yeah. On and off, I guess.
제시 : 음. 쓰다 말다가 했지

Céline : It's funny. I read one of mine from 1983 the other day and, what really surprised me, is that I was feeling with life the same way I am now. I was much more hopeful and naive, but the core and the way I was feeling things is exactly the same. It made me realize I haven't changed much at all.
셀린 : 얼마 전 내가 1983년에 쓴 일기를 읽었는데, 그때 고민이 지금과 똑같았다는 것에 놀랐어. 그때는 훨씬 희망에 찼고 순수했지만 사물을 보는 시각은 지금하고 똑같았어. 난 조금도 변하지 않았다는 걸 그 순간에 느꼈어.

Jesse : Yeah, I don't think anybody does. People don't want to admit it, but it's like we just, we have these innate set points. You know, it's like nothing much that happens to us changes our disposition.
제시 : 그건 누구나 마찬가지야. 사람들은 각자 어떤 특정한 성향이 있어. 세월이 흘러도 그건 거의 변하지 않지.

Céline : Really? You believe that?
셀린 : 진짜 그렇게 믿어?

Jesse : I think so. I read this study where they followed people who had won the lottery, and people who had become paraplegics, right. I mean you'd think that, you know, one extreme is gonna make you euphoric, and the other suicidal. But the study shows that after about six months, right, as soon as people got used to their new situation, they were more or less the same.
제시 : 물론이지. 연구자들이 로토 당첨자와 사고로 전신이 마비된 사람을 시간을 두고 관찰한 결과 그들이 닥친 상황은 서로 극과 극인데, 연구 결과 6개월쯤 지난 후에는 양쪽 다 그런 일들이 생기기 전 본래의 성격으로 똑같이 되돌아 가더래.

Céline : The same?
셀린 : 똑같이?

Jesse : Well, yeah. Like if they were basically an optimistic, jovial person, they're now an optimistic, jovial person in a wheelchair. If they're a petty miserable asshole, okay, they're a petty miserable asshole with a new Cadillac, a house and a boat.
제시 : 긍정적이고 명랑했던 사람은 휠체어에 앉아서도 여전히 낙천적이고 명랑했고, 심사가 비비꼬였던 인간은 캐딜락, 요트와 새 집에서도 여전히 꼬여 있었던 것이지.

Céline : So, I’ll now be forever depressed, no matter what great things happen in my life?
셀린 : 그럼 어떤 일이 닥치더라도 난 평생 우울하게 살겠네.

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